Ji Chang Wook And Nam Ji Hyun Reveal What They'll Do If "Suspicious Partner" Excels In Ratings
On May 10, Ji Chang Wook and Nam Ji Hyun appeared on the “2 O’clock Escape Cultwo Show” to promote their new drama “Suspicious Partner.”
During the show, the DJs asked, “Making a promise [for viewership ratings] is the trend these days. What are you going to promise? People usually say that they’ll do something if the ratings surpass a certain percentage.”
To this, Ji Chang Wook suggested, “We’ll do something if the ratings surpass 12 percent,” and the DJs persistently asked, “What will you do?”
Then Nam Ji Hyun said, “We have already discussed what one of us will do if it reaches 15 percent. We will send a coffee truck to a location that fans want.”
So the DJs joked, “Please bring that coffee truck to ‘Cultwo show,'” and the actress wittily answered, “That’s up to the viewers to decide.”
“Suspicious Partner” airs every Wednesday and Thursday. Watch the latest episode at Viki!
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