Must Watch Episodes From "Weekly Idol" Regulars
There are some idol groups that are often invited back to “Weekly Idol” for one simple reason – they are super entertaining! These groups all get along swimmingly with the MCs, Jung Hyung Don and Defconn (henceforth referred to as Donnie and Connie), and are able to handle their teasing as well as send some back their way. They know how to have fun and they certainly aren’t afraid to look silly while doing it.
So here is a list of idol groups with the most appearances* to date, and the one episode from them that literally made me laugh till I had to pause the show and catch my breath! So while some of these groups may not be your biases, they are definitely worth a watch!
*Only group/solo/subunit appearances are counted. Appearances as part of a project group (such as Big Byung) or as a special MC are not included.
Number of appearances to date: 14
Episode to watch: July 15, 2015
Promoting: “Bad”
INFINITE was the first idol group to guest on the show, and are known to be brothers with Donnie and Connie. They have since clocked the most appearances, appearing a staggering 14 times in six years! I’m certainly not complaining, because these guys know how to deliver. Everything from Random Play Dance to other games that they play is chock full of laughter, and I always look forward to their next appearance! This episode not only features the usual teasing of leader Sunggyu during Random Play Dance, but also a hilarious 100-second game corner. Woo Hyun’s random old man aegyo still brings me to stitches just thinking about it! Let’s hope INFINITE continues to appear an infinite (pun intended!) number of times!
Watch the episode here:
2nd (Tied) – Highlight
Number of appearances to date: 12
Episodes to watch: July 19, 2016; July 6, 2016 (2 parts)
Promoting: “Ribbon”
In the first few appearances of Highlight on “Weekly Idol,” Donnie and Connie had a running gag which “tricked” the Highlight members into signing a contract at the end of each show, guaranteeing their appearance for their next comeback. Eventually, the MCs just made them sign a permanent contract, and I was singing from the mountain tops!
The two episodes listed above are brilliant from top to end! I’ve always loved their dancing, but this time, we are treated to Doo Joon’s butt dancing as well. Other highlights include a perfume that brings back Lee Gi Kwang’s rookie enthusiasm, a Yoseob who geniusly wants gold bars as gifts, the group’s cringe-worthy aegyo, Doo Joon’s crying face, and Yoseob and Gi Kwang’s two-man circus act.
Watch the first part of episode here:
2nd (Tied) – BTOB
Number of appearances to date: 12
Episode to watch: October 24, 2012
Promoting: “WOW”
Usually, idols are more entertaining when they’ve been on the show a few times, after they’ve shed their fresh and shy images. While I was originally going to choose a more recent episode from BTOB to showcase, I eventually went with this one. It’s only BTOB’s second appearance, and while you can tell they are still adapting, it is very entertaining. Their awkwardness is just adorable to watch. We see Minhyuk’s athletic abilities, and when he manages that insanely low limbo? A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! The way Ilhoon uses his spiky bangle accessory to fend of Donnie’s multiple advances is endearing as well. Even the ending game is hilarious, where the boys have to push Donnie and Connie out of a circle, but cannot get Connie to budge from his spot. Guess that’s one guy the boys can’t beat.
Watch the episode here:
2nd (Tied) – Apink
Number of appearances to date: 12
Episode to watch: July 17, 2013
Promoting: “NoNoNo”
Donnie and Connie have a wonderful relationship with Apink, partially because regular cast member Bomi is from the group. The girls are always a hoot to watch, and the episode is an all around fun episode. After all, how many other female idols can you name that would spit out tomatoes on broadcast TV? And their sexy dancing? From Eunji’s awkward show of sexiness to the others incorporating their desire for barbecue beef into their choreography, the episode is a barrel of laughs!
Watch the episode here:
5th – GOT7
Number of appearances to date: 10
Episode to watch: March 15, 2017
Promoting: “Never Ever”
The sacrificial lamb of GOT7 is not leader JB, but Jackson, who worked with Donnie and Connie on the project group Big Byung. The punishment for this episode’s Random Play Dance is to show cringe-worthy videos from GOT7’s past. Eventually, and with a little hint from the staff, the hosts target those with the funniest videos, which for some inexplicable (but grateful) reason, often feature JB as well.
Also worth a mention is when Jackson has to guess his fellow members by only touching their faces, and Connie tricks him by having him touch his (Connie’s) neck. Jackson’s answer: “Why is this so hairy? Is this human? It feels like a wild boar!” Even better? Donnie agrees, and gives him a point!
Watch the Random Play Dance corner here:
6th (Tied) – 4Minute
Number of appearances to date: 9
Episode to watch: February 11, 2015 (Final appearance)
Promoting: “Crazy”
This was the final appearance of 4Minute before they disbanded, and I’m honestly rather bummed about it. By then, they were so familiar with the show that they could MC their own introduction, leaving the real MCs standing speechless by the side.
During the Random Play Dance for this episode, 4Minute adopts the “we’re never wrong” mentality, and their thick-facedness (is this a word?) is so hilarious that Sohyun and Jihyun are in tears from laughing so much. Jiyoon had also dyed her hair green during this promotional period, and this garners many ‘seaweed/vegetable’ jokes that carry on throughout the show. And it may be because of the eye-catching green hair, but I personally think that she looks amazingly hot while dancing to ‘Crazy.’ The laughs continue right through to the ending badminton session, where even the studio lights help the girls turn their losing streak into a win!
Watch the episode here:
6th (Tied) – AOA
Number of appearances to date: 9
Episode to watch: January 22, 2014
Promoting: “Miniskirt”
This was AOA’s first appearance on the show, and it apparently was due to Connie’s constant pestering (well done!). For their first episode, AOA does a job well done, always ready to go the distance. The MCs are aces as well, managing to save Seolhyun’s acting part when it falls a bit flat; Seolhyun is a trooper and acts out whatever crazy requests the MCs have, which includes, you guessed it, various levels of crazy! Leader Jimin also wins everyone over with her hilarious transitions between band-Jimin versus dance-group-Jimin, as well as her carefree attitude, something not often seen in a rookie girl group leader. Also a treat: Mina doing (or *trying* to do) INFINITE’s scorpion dance.
Watch the episode below:
8th (Tied) – Teen Top
Number of appearances to date: 8
Episode to watch: October 2, 2013
Promoting: “Rocking”
I was never big on watching Teen Top episodes on “Weekly Idol.” Frankly, I’ve been missing out! They are probably the only idols to take care of the Random Play Dance corner themselves, where they are their own judge and executioner. In fact, you could compare this episode to the wild, wild west, and you wouldn’t be far off. Betrayals happen as fast as alliances are formed, and you never know who will be the member to get trapped and punished. Even the loyalty game played with barbecue beef is a treat for everyone. That is, everyone except Neil, who has such bad luck playing rock, paper, scissors that he can only longingly watch the others eat beef.
Watch the first part of the episode here:
8th (Tied) – Secret
Number of appearances to date: 8
Episode to watch: May 15, 2013
Promoting: “Yoohoo”
It’s no secret that Secret have a good rapport with Donnie and Connie. As with any other group close to the two MCs, the girls aren’t shown as much enthusiasm as other girls groups would, much to the (joking) jealousy of the girls. They even know each other well enough to know that Donnie’s “generous” gifts of hamburgers are actually from his own company, and aren’t afraid to complain that it’s too expensive! Secret is also the first female idol group to participate in Idol Call Centre, where the very first call received after a rambling of compliments is, “How are the B.A.P oppas (older brothers) doing?”
Watch the episode here:
Which group do you look forward to appearing on “Weekly Idol” the most? Or have you discovered any new groups that you would like to give a try? Let us know in the comments below!
Belinda_C is a freelance writer who enjoys watching all kinds of variety shows. She also loves Shinhwa.