8 SISTAR Moments We'll Never Forget
It’s been about a week since the news was broken to us that SISTAR is disbanding. We can’t believe it’s happening either, but we know that these four women won’t stop amazing us or maintaining their close friendship. Here are 8 SISTAR moments we’ll never forget.
1. Summer hits

I know many of us will be wondering soon, “Can it really be summer without a SISTAR hit?” Their songs have come to be the very symbol of summer. Remember their hit “Loving U”? It was just one of many summer jams that made us want to jump out of our seats and run to the closest beach.
2. That time Dasom called out the industry

Well, say it ain’t so! When Hyorin discussed on an episode of “Yoo Hee Yeol’s Sketchbook” how she wrote songs that didn’t make it to the album, Dasom was quick to respond why. Where is the lie? This is just one example of how honest the members of SISTAR are.
3. Hyorin on “Unpretty Rapstar”
If you thought Hyorin was perfect because of her vocals, then her rap will blow your mind. Hard work definitely pays off, and she even raps about it. Just like Dasom, or any of the other members, Hyorin is not afraid to voice her opinion and wrote a song about putting love on the back burner in order to focus on the daily grind and hustle.
4. That time they made fun of each other

Okay, that was sort of cheating. They make fun of each other ALL the time, so it isn’t exactly one particular moment. But real talk, they’re absolutely ruthless with each other and it’s seriously the best thing to observe.

5. Life-changing choreography

This one is kind of cheating also, but their choreography is too good to leave out of the list. SISTAR isn’t afraid to go there. And by there, we mean the darker, sexier, more sultry side of things. They’re always pushing the boundaries of K-pop for the better and promoting female power with their songs, dances, and personalities.

6. When Hugh Jackman fell in love with them

Or should it be the other way around and say “when SISTAR fell in love with Hugh Jackman?”
7. Family Guy feature
Although it was only half a minute, the comment by Peter Griffin was spot on! “What is this and how can I make my life about this?” I’m sure his life has not been the same ever since.
8. Unbreakable sisterhood

Lastly, we can’t forget all the unforgettable moments they gave to us in “SISTAR’s Showtime.” From doing the dishes, to hyping themselves up, to anticipating food delivery, they gave us a glimpse into their sisterhood and the unbreakable bond among the four of them. They’re just four girls in the real world trying to make it. We will truly miss them as the group SISTAR!
What will you miss about SISTAR? Let us know in the comments below!
amycwang93 loves eating, sleeping, and reading. She’s keeping herself busy these days by re-watching all of BTS’s interviews from the Billboard Music Awards!