6 Truly Terrible Antagonists In C-Dramas & TW-Dramas That We Secretly Sympathize With

Have you ever found yourself sympathizing with a character that you know is absolutely dreadful and you probably shouldn’t be feeling sorry for, but you just kinda sorta can’t help it? Then don’t worry because you’re not alone! These Chinese and Taiwanese drama antagonists are not an easy bunch, mass murder being one of the many… Continue reading 6 Truly Terrible Antagonists In C-Dramas & TW-Dramas That We Secretly Sympathize With

7 Second Male Leads In C-Dramas And TW-Dramas That Stole Our Hearts

It’s happened to us all….You’re sitting there watching a drama, minding your own business, when BAM – you’re introduced to the second male lead! And you know you can never appreciate the OTP quite the same way. Whether it’s the bad-boy type with daddy issues or the adorable one who keeps getting friend-zoned, it’s safe to… Continue reading 7 Second Male Leads In C-Dramas And TW-Dramas That Stole Our Hearts

The Best Drama Roles Of China’s Hottest Star Zhang Ruo Yun

Whether he’s portraying a cynical teenage boy or an emotionally-stinted medical examiner, Zhang Ruo Yun‘s exceptional talent shines onscreen in each and every role he plays. As one of China’s hottest stars, Zhang Ruo Yun has proved his talent time and again with a wide variety of drama roles in so many different genres! Thankfully,… Continue reading The Best Drama Roles Of China’s Hottest Star Zhang Ruo Yun

Glorious Love Triangles & Vintage Vibes: 4 Reasons To Watch “Granting You A Dreamlike Life”

China has been churning out some awesome dramas this year, and “Granting You A Dreamlike Life” only further proves this statement. The currently-airing drama has a lot of binge-worthy goodness going on (with a glorious love triangle and time-hopping merely skimming the surface), so keep reading to see why this one is capturing audience’s hearts… Continue reading Glorious Love Triangles & Vintage Vibes: 4 Reasons To Watch “Granting You A Dreamlike Life”

Unapologetically Offbeat: 5 Reasons To Watch “Campus Heroes”

Episode after episode, “Campus Heroes” continues to prove that predictable characters and manufactured plot-lines are not the only ways to tell a great story. The currently-airing Taiwanese drama has received a lot of attention from viewers, who are loving the unique male lead, the genuine humor, and the overall atypical tone of the drama. Keep… Continue reading Unapologetically Offbeat: 5 Reasons To Watch “Campus Heroes”

8 C-Drama Couples With Amazing Chemistry On And Off Screen

Sometimes it does the heart good to know that your favorite on-screen couples get along in real life. Does it make a difference in their acting? Maybe, maybe not – who knows? It’s probably not too much of a difference if they are talented and professional. But there’s just something extra gratifying about knowing that these… Continue reading 8 C-Drama Couples With Amazing Chemistry On And Off Screen

8 Binge-Worthy C-Dramas & TW-Dramas To Snuggle Up With This Fall

While the thought of autumn often conjures up visions of pumpkins, spiced lattes, multi-colored leaves, and general all-around coziness, one vital factor the season of fall also calls for is a good drama to bundle up with. I’m talking about the ones that suck viewers in quickly, keep them invested, and leave them longing for more.… Continue reading 8 Binge-Worthy C-Dramas & TW-Dramas To Snuggle Up With This Fall

So True It Hurts: 7 Relatable Moments From College K-Dramas

College offers unique experiences regardless of age or geographical location. Some experiences are awesome, such as parties, roommates, and classes. And some are awful…such as parties, roommates, and classes. Even though the students are older than they were in high school, humans are still humans, and we have a way of doing cringe-y and embarrassing things… Continue reading So True It Hurts: 7 Relatable Moments From College K-Dramas

7 C-Dramas To Watch When You’re Not In The Mood For Romance

As much as we might enjoy a passionate love triangle or some enticing romantic tension in the air, let’s face it: sometimes we’re just not in the mood for lovey-dovey tropes! Or maybe we just find ourselves craving flat-out action, mystery, or bromance – or all three. No worries, dear readers, because we’ve got your… Continue reading 7 C-Dramas To Watch When You’re Not In The Mood For Romance

Back To School: 7 Rejuvenating C-Dramas And TW-Dramas To Inspire You

As back-to-school season approaches (for some, it’s arrived already), the question must be asked: what should you watch now that assignments, exams, and/or extracurricular activities are taking over your schedule? If this sounds like you, don’t fret – we’ve got your back with seven dramas full of enjoyable, engaging, and oftentimes relatable material that all… Continue reading Back To School: 7 Rejuvenating C-Dramas And TW-Dramas To Inspire You

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