Chris Golightly Holds Press Conference
Superstar K3‘s Chris Golightly held a press conference to clarify recent sexual assault allegations. Since earlier this month, he has been accused of sexually assaulting more than 10 women from his fan club whom he met through SNS.
At the press conference, Chris Golightly came with his translator and a friend. He started out by reading a prepared apology letter. He said, “I love music and respect K-Pop and that’s it.” He did apologize in the letter but repeatedly denied allegations made against him.
He appealed his innocence by saying, “There has been some cultural misunderstanding that caused this unfair situation. There’s a saying, ‘One who’s guilty runs, and who’s not stays.’ And I’m still in Korea.” He added, “I guess when I said ‘stay out,’ I didn’t realize that it could be understood as a sexual innuendo in Korea. What I meant was just casual dating, but the girls took it differently. I will be mindful of cultural differences between the States and Korea from now on.”
He wrapped up the press conference by repeatedly emphasizing that “No matter what happens, I still love Korea. I am a good guy and a fun character.” He expressed that he still wants to remain in Korea and continue his singing career.