Super Junior Releases Heechul's Teaser Photo
SM Entertainment released the teaser photo of Super Junior’s Heechul today, which is the tenth and final teaser for their upcoming new album. The title of their new track will be titled “Mr. Simple.” The album will first be released on August 2nd through online music sites and officially go on sale on August 3rd.
Update: Please note that Heechul‘s teaser seems to have initially been leaked. We apologize to all Super Junior fans and SM Entertainment. In our excitement of Super Junior’s final teaser release and our desire to let all our Soompiers hear of the exciting news, we failed to verify our sources before posting.
Soompi will be more careful hereafter to take note of our sources and ensure that Soompi will no longer be involved in any actions that may be of harm to Super Junior or any other K-Pop artists. Please accept our apology with sincerity, for the Soompi community has been supporting K-Pop for the past thirteen years with utmost respect and joy, and will continue to do so.
Soompi will work harder to provide our readers with the fastest, most up-to-date, but most importantly, respectable news, to our loyal Soompiers.
Thank you for your understanding.
-Team Soompi